May 31, 2022
Are you as hungry as Reynolds Woodcock for a new episode? We dive into the world of fifties British fashion with Phantom Thread (2017), also known as Daniel Day-Lewis' final movie (to this date). So break out the mushrooms, and lets steal some dresses back! Because the more toxic it gets, the more romance the two...
May 17, 2022
Wait a minute. A thumbs down for The Big Lebowski? And from our host, a man who has gone on record calling the Coens among his top favourite filmmakers. What's the friggin' deal here? Well, guess that's just his opinion, man. Or could it just simply be that Ruud is stretching a small personal gripe very thin, just so he...
May 3, 2022
Twee dingen staan buiten kijf, wat betreft de klassieke scifi Forbidden Planet (1956). Allereerst: Robbie the Robot kickt ass. Doet-ie gewoon. En puntje twee: het seksisme in deze film is op zijn zachtst gezegd niet goed oud geworden. Een hele bemanning van een ruimteschip – allemaal jonge, viriele kerels – staat in...